Girl Bullying

Do I Look Bothered?

By: Dr Sam


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Size140 x 180mm
PublishedSeptember 2015

We have to change the perception of girl bullying as just girls being girls' and a normal part of growing up; in Girl Bullying, Dr Sam offers practical suggestions to do just this. As a society we can work towards a truly embedded anti-bullying ethos, through policies, education, socialisation and involving everyone. We all know that bullying can have a detrimental effect on the academic attainment, self-esteem and day-to-day lives of all the individuals involved; the victims, bystanders and, of course, the bullies themselves. The voices of the young people who have informed Dr Sam's research are testimony to this. Relational aggression, social exclusion, cyberbullying, these are just some of the issues which can affect girls' peer relationships and severely impact on their own self-esteem. Healthier coping strategies are skills that help us all to function effectively not just in a school environment, but throughout life.

Dr Sam's aim is to help adults working with girls to develop a toolbox of pro-active, pro-social strategies and understanding. This book does not offer a one-size-fits-all solution of how to stop girl bullying; indeed, such a thing does not exist. Dealing with these issues takes the time and patience, trust and knowledge of those involved, and most of all it takes the willingness to appreciate the world around girls today. Increase your understanding of modern girl bullying, including the fallout and psychological impact for both victims and perpetrators.

The essential guide for school staff, parents or any adult working with girls of all ages.

Read an extract from the book, entitled 'She knows how to create fear in others', published on here.

"This book helps people working with girls to develop a toolbox of proactive strategies to tackle bullying. It explores the world that today's young women grow up in, and investigates the impact of bullying on victims and perpetrators." - TES, Hot Off The Press

Picture for author Dr Sam

Dr Sam

Dr Sam is a child psychologist and has extensive experience of working closely on government policy, school approaches to bullying and anti-bullying strategies in over 3000 schools. She has worked with many of the country's leading children's charities on welfare and safeguarding research, supported young people in court and run private child behaviour clinics in the UK, including London's Harley Street, working with children, young people and their families.

Dr Sam discusses how Girl Bullies Could be Great Leaders' with The Telegraph. Read the article in full here.

Click here to read Dr Sam's feature, titled Controlling the Pack with Fear and Threats', published on


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